They called around 10 am to report that their lunches were already eaten, sand was covering the normally rocky beach, and their agate buckets were nearly empty. To make up for a crappy morning, they found a random beach and looked for other treasures for a while.
Being a marine biologist, I'm asked pretty often what things on the beach are and I do my best to answer correctly. Sometimes, my mom's descriptions of things can be shaky (and hilarious), so she takes photos to show me later if I'm not there.
When my mom came back to the house, she yells at me: "I found red beaked boobies"
Me: "You mean, like blue footed boobies with red beaks?"
Mom: "Yeah! And I took pictures"
Me: "I'm confused about what you actually saw. Those don't exist. Let me see the picture"
Me: (Looks at picture) "Oh my god mom, that's an oystercatcher. You're so embarrassing"
What she also returned with was a great photo collection of signs that they came across at the beach. They didn't have matching descriptions, so I had to do my best to guess what they meant.
No drug dealing:
Watch out for extremely large falling boulders:
Don't enthusiastically ride turtles:
No practicing for your log rolling competition:
Amputees are prohibited from climbing:
i think "amputees are prohibited from climbing" is my favorite. hahaha