Saturday, October 23, 2010

FedEx Had An Epic Fail

Yes, I really sent this letter. We will see if I ever get a response. But I was proud of myself.

Dear FedEx Customer Support,

In August of this year I sent a birthday present to my brother from an Office Max in Kissimmee Florida that is partnered with your company. After one week my brother did not receive this package and I soon learned that it had been broken in transport and sent back to my return address. Initially I was upset because it was a special gift and realized that someone must have used it for baseball pitching practice because I packed it quite well. Since I have been using FedEx for years however, I was confident that this problem could be resolved. Not even “resolved in a timely manner” just “resolved”. I called the Customer Service line to ask what action I might take for a refund and they directed me back to the Office Max – which was the wrong place to go because I am not asking them for a refund, I am asking you. I even took the liberty to trek over to an actual FedEx store twenty minutes away and they also could not help me because they did not know what to do. Again, it was requested that I call Customer Service. After my second phone call to Customer Service and providing my tracking number I was rewarded with a Claims form that was sent to my personal email. Being the competent college graduate that I am, I filled out the form, attached all of the necessary materials, and sent it away with high hopes of my problem finally being solved.

Dutifully, I waited the mandatory 4-6 weeks for my Claims form to be processed and stashed the broken birthday present in a corner of my room as recommended. I decided to call Customer Service again last week after the damaged merchandise was becoming an eyesore and my brother was still gift-less. What I found out was quite surprising. Not only was my Claims form rejected, but it was rejected because technically I was not the “shipper”. I was under the impression that since I bought the merchandise, packed it myself, secured it with tape, wrote an address on it, and brought it to a shipping center within Office Max, that I would qualify as the shipper. Alas, I was mistaken. Because I took it to an Office Max store, they were the shippers according to you, and needed to file the claim for me.

Shoving my dignity to the side, I went back to the Office Max and explained my predicament. A nice assistant manager attempted for two hours to find out how I could obtain my refund. Several unsuccessful phone calls later, amidst many confused Customer Service employees (who were still telling me to fill out a Claims form myself) he was finally transferred to someone of higher importance who assured him that a refund check would be sent to the store for me the next day. It would be made out to Office Max, they would be required to send it to their corporate offices, it would then be deposited, and I would have to return again to the store to get my refund – which would be cash taken out of their till.

I am still waiting for this promised refund check to arrive at the Office Max after one week. Meanwhile, I am stuck missing fifty dollars for the ruined gift. I cannot possibly be the first person that this has happened to and I am appalled that a simple refund has caused me this much frustration and trouble. Needless to say, I will not be utilizing your shipping services in the future.


Annie Walser

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