Monday, September 17, 2012

Sweet Shadow

Sweet Shadow
We loved you as a kitten

We love that you clean up after yourself

We love that you love bubble baths

We love that you continued to love bubble baths

We love that we had to take catnip away from you because you would mush your head into it so much your upper lips would swell

We love that at Christmas time we would nickname you "Shredder"

We love that you were always dirty

We love that you were a climber

We love that you were tolerant

We love that you knew what you wanted

We love that we could mess around with you

We love that you were a lover

We love that you didn't like the snow

We love that you were a water sniper

We love that you took inappropriate baths all the time

We love that you would lay on us at inopportune times

We love that you like to help us sleep

We love that you snuggle in

We love that you use pillows like humans

We love that you tried to keep Eric from moving to college

We love that you were a biter

We love you

P.S. Happy Birthday today girl, you made it to 12 :)
We are going to miss you - the cat that would get wet cat food at every birthday, sit in a chair and eat it like a human, and cry with happiness (yes, she cried once).

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Lung Burn

I did a post a while back about the Have a Heart Run in May of 2011 where it was my first race back after a long injury battle. My mom and I registered for the Have a Heart Run again this year in the 5k race (better for my ankles than the 10k) and my goal was to win - yeah right haha.

When we got the the park to sign in I saw some really really intense runners. My mom and I joked that the pregnant woman warming up would probably beat us both so I didn't hold on to my initial goal very hard. Competition can be intimidating and I was getting nervous.

The race started and a flurry of people sped past me - if you run races you know that this happens every time at the start line. Adrenaline kicks in and a good majority of people will start too fast. I slowly began to pass people on the course and at the turn around I had a feeling I was near the front of the line. While this was exciting, my lungs were burning, I wanted to stop, and I really didn't know where I stood in the pack of runners.

It can be so difficult to push past the lung burn.

The course was a winding trail along the river and at the turn around point you doubled back along the course to the finish. When I saw my mom after I turned, she held out a number one sign (to indicate that I was the first girl she saw) and I still had about 1.5 miles left to run. THE LUNG BURN.

I was pretty excited to cross the finish in fourth place overall and first place for girls. Goal met! I waited for my mom in the water tent and she finished with her best personal time in that distance.

I ate so many animal crackers after that.

At the award ceremony, the organizers handed out certificates for best times per age group (men and women combined) and trophies for the overall winners (one for men and one for women).  We got a surprise when they announced my mom as having the second best time in her age group. She got a certificate and a cookie! And I received my first ever running award. The next day, I sounded like I had a horrible cough (the lung burn!) and I had some trouble moving around, but it was so worth it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Art Class

After finishing my epic crayon art palooza I had a lot of left over materials.  I also found an additional picture of me in the midst of the shark creation. Check out that concentration - and the sweet craft sweatshirt. "Craft Sweatshirt" also functions as "Painting Sweatshirt", "Cat Sweatshirt", and "Nap Sweatshirt". It has holes and paint splatters and I love it.

You can faintly see the outline of the shark here:

And the final:

My mom and I found ourselves responsible for this little girl one day after school (Shannon) and I wish I had her cool-factor when I was her age.

She wanted to make a crayon painting for her and her sister so we got to work with all of the extra materials. Again, the worst part was peeling those stupid wrappers off of the crayons. Shannon was quick to pick up the process and was way faster at decision making than I will ever be.  I took over Eric's old job as the hot glue gun master and helped Shannon place her crayons while successfully burning the tips from my fingers.

After a brief lesson with the heat gun she got to work on the melting process. It's always nice to watch other people create things because it can give you some good ideas and perspective. I would have never thought to use the color combinations Shannon did, but I really really liked the way they turned out.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Once again, it's been a while, but I've started a new job since my last post! I'm training to be a naturalist with Island Adventures Whale Watching in Anacortes and it is one of the best jobs I've ever had. I spend a lot of time in the office taking reservations, but I have gotten a few good days in on the boat in Everett. We've even been featured on King 5 news a few times!

I'm on this page:

I work with some great people and I have been currently learning the ins and outs of the galley. They finally let me run it myself (questionable decisions, it was my third time) and I didn't mess anything up! That same day I had to help with the lines as the boat was coming into the dock. While I tied all of the lines correctly, I did catch one on a door AND I fell down the stairs in front of everyone. Classic. My only excuse was that it was raining...

After being there for a month and a half, I've mastered the arts of the office - which leads me to one of my life mottos "people are stupid". I'd like to just leave it at that, but I have a few gems to share:

Phone: "You know when the whales jump and splash?"
Me: "Yeah?"
Phone: "Can we make a reservation for the day when they do that?"
Me: "Well, whales are wild animals..." blah blah animal behavior explanation.

Phone: "Ok, I've made a reservation for a hotel on San Juan Island"
Me: " you want to take the tour before or after you take a ferry to the hotel?"
Phone: "Before"
Me: "We have one on that day at 11 am"
Phone: "Then you'll drop me off, right?"
Me: (so confused) "Uh, our tour is out of Everett, it lasts for 3 hours, and then you will have to catch a ferry to San Juan Island to get to your hotel"
Phone: "I work in Everett. You'll drop me off and then pick me up again?"
Me: "No. Our tour is out of the Everett marina. We just observe whales in the area and then we come back. No stopping"
Phone: "Then how am I going to get to my hotel?"
Me: "A ferry..."

In the office (In Anacortes): "I'm here to check in for the whale watching tour"
Me: "Did you make a reservation yourself online?"
Office: "Yes, yesterday"
Me: "Did you read the email with the directions to the boat? The boat leaves out of the Everett marina"
Office: "Oh, yeah I read the email and it said Everett but I didn't think anything of it. I made a reservation in Anacortes for a hotel so that we could be right here"
Me: "Where are you normally staying?"
Office: "Seattle"

Gray whale season so far (credit for photos to Bart Rulon, Michael Colahan, and Brooke McKinley):

Video tour of the boat:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Crayon Art Instructions

Our apartment walls are/were still pretty bare since we moved in last September. Terry always encourages me to make my own art to decorate and I appreciate that because every time I jump into a new project I enjoy myself immensely. I initially found the inspiration for crayon art from the Pinterest website (where people can do some amazing things). Being the researcher that I am, I hunted around for directions and set to practicing.

The steps are pretty simple and I like to refer to it as "dummy art" because it's pretty hard to mess up. To practice, we bought cheaper, small canvases from Michael's (I had everyone involved to try different techniques). We hot glued various sizes and colors of crayons - both with and without the labels - to the tops of the canvases. Then, we used a hair dryer and different attachments to heat up and melt the crayons so that the wax would run down the canvas.

Things I learned from practicing:
1. A hair dryer works fine, but tends to shoot the melted wax all over the canvas and you can't direct it very well.
2. I prefer crayons with the labels removed.
3. Smaller crayon pieces work better for smaller canvases.
4. Crayola works best.
5. Large globs of crayon that have been melted will snap off of the canvas.

Practice results:

For the real deal, I waited for the 50 percent off sale at Michael's and went back and purchased some higher quality canvas in several different sizes. I also bought about 400 crayons (sounds like a lot, but it's only around 3 large boxes and I had a lot of canvas to cover). I mixed in regular crayons with metallic and glitter versions when I found out they existed. They are hard to find, even on the internet, but Wal-Mart has everything.

After telling my grandparents about the project one day, my grandpa suggested I use a heat gun instead of a hair dryer and I might get closer to the desired results that I was describing. As far as I know, a heat gun is a man tool and it came from my grandpa's shop, so I don't know what it is actually supposed to be used for. Melting things, I guess. Essentially, it gets a lot warmer than a hair dryer and has a setting where it will blow air out very slowly allowing for more control over the location and length of the dripping wax. I have a feeling that this heat gun saved my project.

After some creative brainstorming with my brother, I decided that I also wanted to eventually draw silhouettes among the colors and we came up with what they would be, where they would go, and exactly what color patterns I would use. We spent about two hours cutting the labels off of the crayons - SO MANY CRAYONS - and hot glued them into place. The smaller canvases got smaller portions of crayon.

Moving into the garage, I used the heat gun to melt the crayons and tilted each canvas to speed up or slow down the wax lines. If there were any large globs of crayon at the end of the drip, I laid the canvas down flat and set the heat gun on the drip to distribute the wax better. I don't know if this is necessary, but I let the canvases set for over a day before returning to them. I measured the areas I would be working with and drew the silhouettes that I wanted on thicker card stock paper and cut them out. Then I traced the picture onto the canvas with a pencil and filled it all in with a sharpie. This was the hardest part only because you can't erase on canvas so I was nervous about messing up.






Friday, February 3, 2012

Shore Trail Snow

My mom took some great pictures on the Padilla Bay shore trail during our January snow storm. I got a few up in Bellingham as well, but it was so cold that I didn't last outside for very long. The only wildlife we saw were tiny bird prints next to the barbeque.

Shore trail blue heron:

There is a wild snow goose that we see near the shore trail pretty often. It has recently paired up with an escaped domesticated goose and now we see them together everywhere. Love story.

The same day in Bellingham:

Friday, January 20, 2012

Night Skiing

I love going night skiing (or snowboarding) at Steven's Pass every year. We try to make a tradition of it on New Year's Eve because no one is there. It's awesome. And cheap! You can't really go wrong.

Before we started:

It gets pretty cold at night so you seriously have to wear everything you own - the least amount of skin showing, the better (especially me):

When finished - and really ready for warmth and dinner: