Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm home now and have been for a week so the posts are going to slow down a bit. I did want to share this picture though. I was allowed to kayak with Calvin and Malabar before I left and this photo was one of my favorites.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Now that my last day is done, I can share some more pictures from our intern photo shoot. I'm currently in California (and I drove from Florida) so I will do my best to provide updates. It's been a long week.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

All Done

Today was my last official day at Disney. Yesterday, all of the interns worked together and the trainers surprised us with lunch. Barb baked us a cake and everything.

This morning, Hayley stopped by and took a picture of my last manatee dive.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Calvin's Artwork

Today Calvin (the dolphin) painted me a picture. I picked out three different colors and handed Calvin a cut off pool noodle with a paintbrush in it. We switched out colors and brush sizes and I held the canvas for him. He definitely knew what to do. He sat patiently with the paintbrush until I put the canvas within reach and then he decided where to paint and when he was done. I was laughing so hard because he had me covered in paint as well. What an ar-teest!

Calvin's creation:

Everyone has said that it looks like a stormy ocean so far. Thoughts?